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Publications list and research


Peer reviewed publications

Venkataramanan, A.*; Kloster, M.*; Burfeid-Castellanos, A.; Dani, M.;… & Beszteri, B. “UDE DIATOMS in the Wild 2024”: A new image dataset of freshwater diatoms for training deep learning models. Gigascience (Accepted for publication): [Titel anhand dieser DOI in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]

Sommerhäuser, M.; Große-Keul, C.; Buch, C.; Burfeid-Castellanos, A., Jacobs, G… & Volkens, P. (2024). Die Artenvielfalt der neuen Emscher Mündung: Einblick in die Ergebnisse eines 24-Stunden-Monitorings am “Tag der lebendigen Emscher”. Natur in NRW 3/2024. ISSN: 2197-8328

Farias, L., Beszteri, B., Burfeid Castellanos, A. M., Doliwa, A., Enss, J., Feld, C. K., … & Le, T. Y. (2024). Influence of salinity on the thermal tolerance of aquatic organisms. Science of The Total Environment, 176120.

Mayombo, N. A. S., Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M., Vermiert, A. M., Pimentel, I. M., Rehsen, P. M., Dani, M., … & Beszteri, B. (2024). Functional and compositional responses of stream microphytobenthic communities to multiple stressors increase and release in a mesocosm experiment. Science of The Total Environment943, 173670.

Kaijser, W., Lorenz, A. W., Brauer, V. S., Burfeid-Castellanos, A., David, G. M., Nuy, J. K., … & Hering, D. (2024). Differential associations of five riverine organism groups with multiple stressors. Science of The Total Environment, 173105.

Pimentel, I. M., Baikova, D., Buchner, D., Burfeid Castellanos, A., David, G. M., Deep, A., … & Beermann, A. J. (2024). Assessing the response of an urban stream ecosystem to salinization under different flow regimes. Science of the Total Environment, 926, 171849.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M., Mones, P., Dani, M., & Beszteri, B. (2024). Non-perennial rivers and streams in extreme hydrological conditions—comparing the effectiveness of amplicon sequencing and digital microscopy for diatom biodiversity appraisal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12, 1355018.

Vidaković, D., Mayombo, N. A. S., Burfeid Castellanos, A., Kloster, M., & Beszteri, B. (2023). Assessment of the ecological status of large lowland rivers (Sava and Tisa, Serbia) based on digital microscopic investigation of the diatom communities. Diatom Research, 38(4), 229-244.

Kloster, M., Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M., Langenkämper, D., Nattkemper, T.W., Beszteri, B. 2023. Improving deep learning-based segmentation of diatoms in gigapixel-sized virtual slides by object-based tile positioning and object integrity constraint. PLoS ONE 18(2), e 0272103.

Vos, M., Hering, D, …, Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., et al. 2023. The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and release. Science of the Total Environment, 16219

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., Kloster, M., Beszteri, S., Postel, U., Spyra, M., Zurowietz, M., Nattkemper, T.W., & Beszteri, B. (2022). A Digital Light Microscopic Method for Diatom Surveys Using Embedded Acid-Cleaned Samples. Water, 14 (3332),

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M., Martín-Martín, R. P., Kloster, M., Angulo-Preckler, C., Avila, C., & Beszteri, B. (2021). Epiphytic diatom community structure and richness is determined by macroalgal host and location in the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). PloS one, 16(4), e0250629.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M.; Kloster, M.; Cambra, J. & Beszteri, B. 2020. Both hydrology and physicochemistry influence diatom morphometry. Diatom Research 35 (4): 1- 12. doi:10.1080/0269249X.2020.1828175


Non-Peer reviewed publications

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. 2024. Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen der Diatomeen im paderborner Hochland – Ergebnisse der Beprobungen an der Talgosse (Rechter Zufluss bei Ahden), der Menne und der Sauer von 2022-2023. University of Duisburg-Essen

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M. 2023. Technical report on samplings of the Menne, Sauer and Talgosse (Paderborn Plateau) – Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen der Diatomeen im Mental, Ahdener Tal und Sauertal. Report from 2020 – 2022. University of Duisburg-Essen.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. 2022. Technical report on repeated samplings of the Menne River (Paderborn Plateau) – Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen der Diatomeen im Mental. Report from 2020/2021 sampling. University Duisburg-Essen.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. 2021. Technical report on sampling of the Menne River (Paderborn Plateau) – Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen der Diatomeen am Mental. Report from 2020 sampling. University Duisburg-Essen.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. 2018. Ecological factors and diatom diversity at rivers of the iberian mediterranean river basins: macro-scale, meso-scale and micro-scale = Factores ecológicos y diversidad de diatomeas en los ríos de las cuencas hidrográficas del Mediterráneo ibérico: maro-escala, meso-escala y micro-escala. Doctoral Thesis in Biodiversity for the University of Barcelona

Cambra, J., N. Flor-Arnau, and A. M. Burfeid Castellanos. 2013. RED DE INTERCALIBRACIÓN, RED DE REFERENCIA Y RED BÁSICA DE DIATOMEAS – Evaluación del estado ecológico de las masas de agua superficiales de la cuenca del Ebro utilizando las diatomeas bentónicas como bioindicadores – Resultados años 2011-2012. Universidad de Barcelona.

Other publications and outreach


Burfeid Castellanos, A.M. 2020. Alternative to microscopy in time of Corona- virtual microscopy with Biigle 2.0.

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. 2019. Diatom of the Month February 2019 – Diatoms (and biomonitoring) in dwindling rivers.


Kloster, M., Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., Beszteri, B. 2022. Digital diatom counts with slide scanning and BIIGLE 2.0.

Kloster, M. & Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M. 2020. Digital Diatomology: Combining slide scanning microscopy, web-based collaborative annotation, and deep learning for diatom analysis:

Congress talks (T) and posters (P)

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., Novais, M.H., Morais, M., Csabai, Z.; Pernecker, B.; Calleja, E.J.; Lorenz, A.W.; Rimet, F.; Bouchez, A. 2024. Intermittent rivers around Europe and the Mediterranean – Diatom community variability caught through amplicon sequencing. European Diatom Meeting, 7th – 10th May in Ohrid, North Macedonia. (T)

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., Beszteri, B. 2024. GreenHAB monitoring potential Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the West Coast of Greenland: Past, present and future. European Diatom Meeting, 7th – 10th May in Ohrid, North Macedonia. (P)

Dani, M.; Beszteri, S.; Burfeid-Castellanos, A.; Spyra, M.; Beszteri, B. 2024. Molecular and ecophysiological variability among Achnanthidium strains. European Diatom Meeting, 7th – 10th May in Ohrid, North Macedonia. (P)

Kloster, M.; Burfeid Castellanos, A.; Beszteri, B. 2024. Segmentation of diatom images: From idealized experiments towards real word settings. European Diatom Meeting, 7th – 10th May in Ohrid, North Macedonia. (T)

Kloster, M.; Burfeid-Castellanos, A; Vidaković, D.; Mayombo, NAS; Dani, M.; Venkataramanan, A.; Pradalier, C; Laviale, M. & Beszteri, B. 2024. The new University of Duisburg-Essen freshwater diatom image data set (UDE DIATOMS in the Wild 2024). European Diatom Meeting, 7th – 10th May in Ohrid, North Macedonia. (P)

Mayombo, NAS; Burfeid-Castellanos, AM; Vermiert, A.M.; Madge Pimentel,I.; Rehsen, P.M.; Dani, M.; Jasinski, C.; Spyra, M.A.; Kloster, M.; Vidakovic, D.; Buchner, D. & Beszteri, B. 2024. Assessing the functional and compositional responses of stream microalgal communities to stressors increase and release in a mesocosm experiment. European Diatom Meeting, 7th – 10th May in Ohrid, North Macedonia. (T)

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., Novais, M.H., Morais, M., Csabai, Z.; Pernecker, B.; Calleja, E.J.; Rimet, F.; Bouchez, A. 2023. Diatom communities in intermittent rivers from Europe – a molecular study. International Diatom Symposium 28th of August to 4th of September, Yamagata, Japan. (T)

Lorenz, A. W.; Burfeid Csatellanos, A. 2023. Intermittent streams around the Mediterranean Sea – pressures and its potential assessment by diatoms and benthic invertebrates. SEFS July 2023. Newcastle, UK.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. 2023. Effects of climate based hydrology variations on diatom molecular markers and their effectiveness compared to digital microscopy. European Diatom Meeting 7th -9th. March, Meise, Belgium. (T)

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M.., Lorenz, A. W. 2023 Mediterranean intermittent streams – how to monitor multiple stressors on diatom and macroinvertebrate ecology and biodiversity. European Diatom Meeting 7th -9th. March, Meise, Belgium. (P)

Kloster, M.; Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M.; Beszteri, B. 2023. UDE BioSLiDES*) is a web browser-based system for digital virtual microscopy. It offers a visual impression and controls close to a real microscope and focuses on education in general biology. European Diatom Meeting 7th -9th. March, Meise, Belgium. (P)

Dani, M.; Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M.; Beszteri, B. 2023. Diatom communities in restored rivers at the Emscher catchment. European Diatom Meeting 7th -9th. March, Meise, Belgium. (P)

Jasinski, C.; Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M.; Beszteri, B. 2023. Influence of mine water effluent on diatom communities. European Diatom Meeting 7th -9th. March, Meise, Belgium. (P)

Mones, P.; Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. 2023. The effect of extreme weather events on diatoms of temporary streams – Differences between streams under urban influence and in nature reserves. European Diatom Meeting 7th -9th. March, Meise, Belgium. (P)

Mayombo, N. A. S.; Kloster, M.; Vidakovic, D.; Burfeid Castellanos, A.; Beszteri, B. 2023. Restoration matters: Diatom community response to the time since restoration of sewage channels of the Boye catchment (Germany). European Diatom Meeting 7th -9th. March, Meise, Belgium. (T)

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. 2022. Long-term monitoring of a heterogeneous karstic stream: Effects of hydrological changes through time on benthic diatom communities. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie Jahrestagung, 27th Sep – 1st Oct. Konstanz, Germany. (T)

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M., Kloster, M.; Beszteri, S.; Postel, U.; Spyra, M; Zurowietz, M.; Nattkemper, T.W.; Beszteri, B. 2021. Digital microscopy improves diatom research. SIL 100, Berlin, Germany. (P)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. 2021. Comparison of temporary rivers in different climates according to intermittency state. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie Jahrestagung, 27th Sep – 1st Oct. Hybrid, Leipzig, Germany. (T)

Mayombo, N. A. S., Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M., Schäfer, R. B., Hering, D. & Beszteri, B. 2021. Collaborative Research Centre 1439 RESIST: Investigating the functional and
compositional responses of stream microphytobenthic communities to multiple stressors
increase and decrease. International Diatom Symposium, August 23rd to 25th. Virtual, Yamagata, Japan (P)

Mayombo, N. A. S., Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M., Dani, M., Dorsch, M., Halim, Z., Haverbeck, L., Erlekotte, V. & Beszteri, B. 2021. Characterisation of diatom assemblages in restored former sewage channels in the Ruhr area, Germany. International Diatom Symposium, August 23rd to 25th. Virtual, Yamagata, Japan (T).

Kloster, M., Burfeid Castellanos, A. M., Nattkemper, T. W. & Beszteri, B. 2021. On the road to automated diatom identification. International Diatom Symposium, August 23rd to 25th. Virtual, Yamagata, Japan (T).

Burfeid Castellanos, A M., Kloster, M., Beszteri, S, Postel, U., Spyra, M. & Beszteri, B. 2021. Digital microscopy – a good option for Deep Learning Ground Truth generation and teaching. International Diatom Symposium, August 23rd to 25th. Virtual, Yamagata, Japan (T).

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. , Kloster, M., Spyra, M. & Beszteri, B. 2021. Characterization of the diatom distribution in a temporary, continental river through time. Symposium of European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS), July 26th to 30th. Virtual, Dublin, Ireland. (T)

Erlekotte, V., Haverbeck, L. S., Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. 2021. Investigation of the diatom communities in renatured rivers in the Ruhr area (Germany). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, February 22nd – 24th. Virtual, Essen, Germany. (P)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. & Martín, R. 2020. Epiphytic diatoms on macroalgae of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica): sociology and morphometry through time. German Phycologists, subsection of the German Botanical Society, March 8th – 11th. Kall Steinfeld, Germany. (T)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. & Martín, R. 2019. Epiphytic diatoms on Deception Island (Antarctica): effects of host macroalgae phylum on diatom size. Iberian Cryptic Botany Symposium, July 24th – 26th. Lisbon, Portugal. (T)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. & Martín, R. 2019. Epiphytic diatoms on Deception Island (Antarctica): observation of specific pairings of epiphytes and macroalgal hosts. Iberian Cryptic Botany Symposium, July 24th – 26th. Lisbon, Portugal. (P)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M.; Cambra-Sánchez, J.; Kloster, M. & Beszteri, B. 2018. Size matters: the importance of valve width in diatom biomonitoring. International Diatom Symposium, June 25th – 30th. Berlin, Germany. (P)

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M.; Flor-Arnau, N.; Cid , N.; Rodríguez-Lozano, P.; Bonada, N.; Vinyoles , D.; Fortuño , P.; Acosta, R.; Latron, J.; Llorens, P.; Gallart, F.; Cambra-Sánchez, J. & Prat , N. 2017. Bioassessment of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams from the Mediterranean basin using diatoms: are current methods adequate? International Phycological Symposium, August 14th-19th. Szczecin, Poland. (P)

Burfeid-Castellanos A. M.; Flor-Arnau N.; Cid N.; Rodríguez-Lozano P.; Bonada N., Fortuño P., Vinyoles D., Gallart F., Latron J., Llorens P., Cambra-Sánchez J. & Prat N. 2017. Effects of intermittent rivers on diatoms. Symposium of Cryptogamic Botany, June 20th-24th. Aranjuez, Spain. (T)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. & Cambra-Sánchez, J. 2017. Effects of salinity and nutrients on diatom life forms in a Spanish river. Central European Diatom Meeting, 22nd – 24th. Prague, Czech Republic. (P)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. & Cambra-Sánchez, J. 2016. Riverine Diatoms and Land Use at the Ebro River – Changes through Time and Space. Iberian Limnology Congress, July 4th-9th. Tortosa, Spain. (T)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. & Cambra-Sánchez, J. 2016. Riverscapes and diatoms: How does Land Use area affect diatom communities, indices and life forms? Examples of the Ebro River Basin. Iberian Limnology Congress, July 4th-9th. Tortosa, Spain. (P)

Dios Rivera V.H., Cambra-Sánchez J. , Flor Arnau N., Burfeid Castellanos A. M., Llopis Perez J., Durán Lalaguna, C. 2015. Evaluation of the ecological quality of the river waters using diatom (Bacillariophyta) and relation with the land uses. Iberian Cryptogamic Botany Symposium, 25th – 30th July. Porto, Portugal. (P)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M.; Cambra-Sánchez, J.; Flor-Arnau, N and Durán, Long-term effects of dangerous substances on diatoms (Bacillariophyta) and diatom communities of the Ebro River Basin (NE Spain). Iberian Cryptogamic Botany Symposium, 25th – 30th July. Porto, Portugal. (T)

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M. and Cambra-Sánchez, J. 2015. Effects of abiotic influences on Diatom size as measured in the Ebro River Basin (NE Spain). Central European Diatom Meeting, March 10th-13th. Bremerhaven, Germany (P).

Burfeid Castellanos, A. M.; Flor-Arnau, N.; Navarro, P.; Cambra-Sánchez; J. and Durán, C. 2014. The water quality of the Ebro River Basin in the year 2013 using diatoms (Bacillariophyta) as bioindicators. Iberian Limnology Congress, July 7th-11th. Santander, Spain (P).

Workshops and Seminars

Kloster, M. & Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. 2024. Digital light microscopy analysis of diatoms from high throughput microscopy through image annotation to deep learning. DGP Tagung Februar 2024.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. Digitale Mikroskopie. Online. September 2023.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. & Kloster, M. 2023. Seminar in Deep Learning. Tsukuba. Japan. 6th September 2023.

Kloster, M. & Burfeid-Castellanos, A.M. 2023. Workshop Digital diatomology. IDS, Yamagata, Japan. 2nd September 2023.

Burfeid-Castellanos, A. M. 2021. Digital Microscopy Workshop. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie. 22. Februar 2021.